Rescue cerclage in IVF pregnancies with second trimester cervical dilatation: Case report and literature review
    Case Report
    P: 244-247
    December 2009

    Rescue cerclage in IVF pregnancies with second trimester cervical dilatation: Case report and literature review

    J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2009;10(4):244-247
    1. Istanbul Memorial Hospital, Assisted Reproduction Center, Istanbul, Turkey
    2. Center For Reproductive Medicine, Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Yeditepe University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
    3. Department Of Gynecology And Obstetrics Medical Faculty, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
    4. Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Yeditepe University School Of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
    5. Yeditepe University Hospital, Center For Reproductive Medicine, Head Of The Department Of Obstetrics, And Gynecology, Istanbul, Turkey
    No information available.
    No information available
    Received Date: 26.02.2009
    Accepted Date: 06.06.2009


    Despite being available for over 50 years, cervical cerclage remains one of the controversial interventions in obstetrics. Rescue cerclage is the operative cervical closure of a widely dilated cervix with or without unruptured membrane prolapsus. In the literature, the effectiveness of rescue cerclage in the prolongation of pregnancy is debatable. Prolongation of pregnancy and improvement of neonatal survival is of utmost importance in pregnancies achieved by in vitro fertilization (IVF). We report here two IVF pregnancies with second trimester cervical dilatation treated with rescue cerclage and who delivered healthy babies near term without maternal and neonatal morbidities.

    Keywords: Rescue cerclage, IVF, pregnancy, cervical dilatation


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