Problem of pregnancy in sexual assaults: A case report
Case Report
P: 105-109
June 2008

Problem of pregnancy in sexual assaults: A case report

J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2008;9(2):105-109
1. Forensic Medicine Department, Faculty Of Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
2. Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty Of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
3. Psychiatry Department, Faculty Of Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 13.01.2008
Accepted Date: 19.01.2008


Sexual assault and rape have serious consequences regarding health and law with physical and psychological outcomes of the problem. Pregnancy after rape, potential delay of diagnosis, physical and psychological injuries that might ocur as a consequence necessitate a multidisciplinary work of the medicolegal and ethical aspects of the subject. A case of pregnancy after rape who was in the 20th week of gestation has been evaluated by the Departments of Forensic Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Physchiatry. Clinical aspects of this presented case with a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stres Disorder, Major Depression and epileptic psychosis have been considered to support consistency of her pregnancy with alleged rape history. In the article, termination of pregnancy with respect to the amended Turkish Penal Code and other existing laws, principles of legal and medical approach by the specialists of the related branches of medicine to the cases of pregnancy after sexual assault and rape have been discussed. The well defined collaboration of clinicians with medicolegal experts in scope of clinical forensic medicine will guide any medical procedure for legitimization as well as to support judicial procedure by providing safeguards for collecting samples, and expected security of evidence needed.

Sexual assault against woman, rape, pregnancy, legal abortion, legal procedure, clinical forensic medicine