Family Planning Attitudes of Women and Affecting
Original Investigation
P: 137 - 141
September 2009

Family Planning Attitudes of Women and Affecting

J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2009;10(3):137-141
1. Gazi University, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Nursing Department, Ankara, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 02.07.2009
Accepted Date: 11.08.2009



This descriptive research was conducted to determine the attitudes of women for family planning and factors affecting these attitudes.

Material and Methods:

Universe of the study has been composed of women who are married and older than 15 years and living in Ankara Kale district. 300 women were included. Kale district is a low socioeconomical slum area of the capital city of Turkey. Questionnaire and Family Planning Attitude Scale were used to collect data.


38% of the women were in 30-39 years age group and 66.7% of them were graduates of primary school. 73.3% of the women had information about any contraceptive method and 53% of them had ever used an effective method. Mean score taken from the Family Planning Attitude Scale was 120.11± 13.8. The scores obtained from the scale were significantly higher in the women who were graduates of elementary school, whose husbands were graduates from high school and higher, who have heard about any contraceptive method and have been using any method and who had experienced 1-3 pregnancies (p<0.05). Economical status, family type, having a chronic disease, using regular medicine and smoking have not affected family planning attitude (p>0.05). As results it was found that the attitudes of the women towards family planning were at proper level, nearly half of the women were using an effective method, and level of education, number of pregnancies, unwilling for another child in the future, having information about contraceptive methods and using any contraceptive method had influenced family planning attitudes. In order to turning this attitude into practice with high rate, family planning education programs and consultancy services must be planned and implemented.

Family planning, woman, family planning attitude, contraceptive