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June 2022


J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2022;23(2):0-0
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Dear Colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to introduce the second issue of the “Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association (J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc)” in the publishing year of 2022. This issue is consisted of seven articles and one review that we hope you will read with interest. Here we share some of our favorite articles that were published in this issue of the journal.

Laparoscopic myomectomy is a commonly used procedure in which the uterus is preserved.

The power morcellation facilitates efficient breakdown and removal of tissues through small incisions. The use of power morcellation in laparoscopy may worsen survival rates in patients with malignancies. You will get the occasion to read an article from Germany reporting the outcomes of patients with early-stage uterine sarcoma after morcellation or total en-bloc resection, and evaluating potential signs of sarcoma preoperatively.

Diagnosis and management of patients with partial mole with a coexistent live fetus can be challenging. Most of the data we have is in the form of case reports. You will have the chance of reading a systematic review investigating the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and prenatal diagnosis of the cases with partial mole with a coexistent live fetus.

Dear Esteemed Reviewers,

Reviewing requires the investment of time and a certain skill set. Aczel et al. in Res Integr Peer Rev 2021;6:14 estimated that the total time that reviewers worked on peer reviews globally was over 100 million hours in 2020. We acknowledge your invaluable contribution to the progress of science. We are sincerely grateful to our reviewers who give their time to peerreview articles submitted to our journal.

Dear Participants,

I am very proud to say that the 14th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress was held in Antalya between May 28 and June 1 of 2022, with a great success with more than a thousand registered participants, 3 precongress courses, 1 live surgery session, 4 keynote lectures, 105 lectures, 5 satellite symposiums, 135 oral presentations, 126 poster presentations and 28 video presentations. It was a tremendous health education event for our community. We received many positive comments from the congress participants on the quality of the scientific presentations and the organization of the congress. Our success was in no small part due to experts such as you who could answer questions and disseminate information. I would like to thank all the participants once again for the time and dedication they gave to this event.

Please visit us online at www.jtgga.org and keep in touch with us by following us on Twitter @JtggaOfficial. I would like to wish you a happy and healthy summer and we are looking forward to receiving your valuable submissions, thank you in advance for your contributions.


Prof. Cihat Ünlü, M.D.
Editor in Chief of J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc
President of TGGF