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March 2025


J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2025;26(1):0-0
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Dear Colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to introduce the first issue of the “Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association (J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc)” in the publishing year of 2025. This issue is consisted of seven articles, and two reviews that we hope you will read with interest. Also you may have the oppurtunity to read the quiz. Here we share some of our favorite articles that were published in this issue of the journal.

The symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) include urinary symptoms in addition to genital (dryness, burning, and irritation) and sexual (lack of lubrication, discomfort or pain) symptoms. Relieving symptoms is the main goal of GSM treatment. Non-hormonal vaginal lubricants for use during sexual activity, long-acting vaginal moisturizers, systemic hormonal therapies, low-dose vaginal estrogen therapies (such as vaginal creams, intravaginal tablets, or intravaginal rings), and platelet concentrates are among the current treatment options. The liquid form of platelet-rich fibrin (i-PRF) contains more white blood cells, platelets, and a higher level of cellular migration than PRF.

You will have the opportunity to read an article investigating the efficacy of i-PRF for GSM.

Pituitary adenomas are relatively common, occurring in 80-100 cases per 100,000 people, of which 15-30% are non-functioning pituitary adenomas (NFPAs). Managing NFPA during pregnancy can be challenging and requires interdisciplinary care. There isn’t much research examining the relationship between NFPAs and pregnancy. You will also have the opportunity to read an article looking into how NFPAs affect pregnancy and associated illnesses with an emphasis on issues such symptoms brought on by adenoma size during pregnancy, delivery techniques, unfavorable pregnancy outcomes, and lactation duration.

You will also have the opportunity to read a review focusing on restorative treatment protocols that dentists would apply to patients in the puerperal period and the maintenance of these treatments.

I would also like to invite you to join us for our prestigious 15th Turkish-German Gynecology Congress which will be held in Antalya between April 23-27 of 2025. As of before, our congress will be held to the highest scientific standards with a rich scientific program and pre-congress courses. At this year’s congress we will be having lectures with the world’s most reputable speakers; Prof. Gunter Noe (vNotes and Prolapse surgery; a critical discussion), Prof. Ceanea Nezhat (Revisiting microsurgical principles), Prof. Stefan Verlohren (Preeclampsia screening and prediction), Prof. Ertan Sarıdoğan (What is the significance of T-shape uterus in reproduction?).

Dear Researchers,

The XV. Turkish German Gynecology Congress will reward the best 3 abstracts. The purpose of this reward is to show our colleagues our appreciation for their productivity and also motivate our young colleagues for the forthcoming years. Also the best video presentation which will be elected by the Scientific Committee will receive a 20,000 TL “Dr. Aysun - Cihat Ünlü Special Reward.” Also there will be the Turkish-German Gynecological Education and Research Foundation reward of 30,000 TL.

Dear Esteemed Readers, Authors and Reviewers,

As one of the chief editors of JTGGA, Prof. Dr. Peter Mallmann has made significant contributions to our journal over the years. As of 2024, he is retiring. Throughout his tenure, he has not only enhanced the scientific quality of our journal but also played a pivotal role in strengthening international academic collaboration and promoting high-quality publications in our field. With his scientific rigor, academic discipline, and unwavering support for young researchers, he has brought invaluable vision to JTGGA. We extend our deepest gratitude to Prof. Dr. Mallmann for his invaluable contributions and wish him health, happiness, and success in his retirement.

Please do not forget to mark the congress on your calendars in order to not to miss this scientific festival. We are looking forward to receiving your valuable submissions, thank you in advance for your contributions.


Prof. Cihat Ünlü, M.D.

Editor in Chief of J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc

President of TGGF