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June 2019


J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2019;20(2):0-0
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Dear Colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to present you the second issue of Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association (J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc) in the publishing year of 2019. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc is the official, scientific, open Access publication of the Turkish-German Gynecological Education and Research Foundation that publishes original studies on all aspects of gynecology since 2000. Now we are publishing 20th volumes. It was an enormous journey during this 20 years. We learned many things from you and we contribute huge data and experience to you and to our gynecology community. It was a great pleasure for us to have this prestigious journal, and thanks God we have still the same enthusiasms for publishing and growing our young journal.

Dear Reviewers,

Reviewers play a key role in our journal. They pick up best articles. They corrected the manuscripts. With their contribution, editors maintain the quality of the published research, enhance a journal’s impact, and contribute to the advancement of the broader scientific community. If any of you are interested for this position, please feel free to contact me directly. Reviewing requires the investment of time and a certain skill set. Before you decide if you want to become a reviewer, we recommend that you read more about the peer review process (www.jtgga.org/instructions-to-authors).

Dear Authors,

If you’re just starting out as a reviewer, don’t be deterred. We are often looking to expand our pool of reviewers, which means there will be a demand for your particular area of expertise. Who Can Become a Reviewer? In short, anyone who is an expert in the article’s research field. If you’re new to peer review and feeling unsure of yourself, don’t worry. Confidence will come with experience. Gaining the support of an experienced mentor and familiarizing yourself with the process of peer review should help you build your confidence and track record.

Dear Researchers, Dear Colleagues,

My advise for anyone wanting to become a better researcher is to never stop learning. To be a good researcher, you must be intelligent enough to express your ideas, be enthusiastic about new information, and hardworking to improve your skills. Be positive and do not be afraid of failure. Curiosity, persistence and an open mind are some of the key features of researchers. A good researcher must be open-minded and must also adopt a critical way of thinking. Besides, he/she should be hard working, diligent, focused and devoted to his/her specific field of interest. Updating his/her knowledge is of utmost importance and can be accomplished in several ways, such as following the current literature, attending conferences or exchanging ideas with colleagues working in a relevant field. Furthermore, a modern researcher must be resourceful and inventive in order to transform his/her scientific queries and hypotheses into a realisable protocol.
I would also like to inform you about the seventh Social Responsibility Project of Turkish German Gynecological Education and Research Foundation (TGGF), which will be held on September 6-7, 2019, in Ordu - Turkey. Ordu is a port city on the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Ordu was the place of ancient Cotyora, founded by Greek colonists in the 5th century. Ordu is now a centre for hazelnut processing and exporting, fishing, and timber exporting. The project held in this beautiful city is traditionally organized from four steps; public awareness meeting with participation of the locals, the scientific meeting with participation of health professionals, performing of the advanced operations and medical examination/screening to local women, and finally a medical device donation to a local hospital. We believe our project could be considered a success if only one maternal or neonatal death is prevented. Since it is these small steps which may one day make the difference. We would be excited to have our colleagues join us in this intense scientific activity.

You will read many interested articles in this particular issue. You will enjoy to read the papers from the authors all around the world. Next time you could be the one who will be read by the others. We are looking forward to receiving your valuable submissions.

Have a nice spring and summer!

Best regards,

Prof. Cihat Ünlü, M.D.
Editor in Chief of J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc
President of TGGF