Case Report

Ruptured rudimentary horn pregnancy at sixteen weeks


  • Fehmi Zeqiri
  • Myrvete Pacarada
  • Niltene Kongjeli
  • Vlora Zeqiri
  • Gyltene Kongjeli
  • Burim Krasniqi

Received Date: 24.11.2009 Accepted Date: 08.01.2010 J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2010;11(3):165-167 PMID: 24591927

Pregnancy in a non-communicating rudimentary horn is very difficult to diagnose before it ruptures, leading to life -threatening intraperitoneal hemorrhage. A 22-year-old second gravida patient presented at the Emergency Center of the University Clinical Center of Kosova with a 16-week history of amenorrhea and acute onset of severe abdominal pain. She was resuscitated and taken for an emergency laparotomy under general anesthesia. Intraoperatively, there was a massive hemoperitoneum with a ruptured right rudimentary horn Given their rarity, ruptured rudimentary horn pregnancies are of interest.

Keywords: Bicornate uterus, rudimentary horn, interstitial pregnancy