
Medicine in stamps: history of Down syndrome through philately


  • Ahmet Doğan Ataman
  • Emine Elif Vatanoğlu Lutz
  • Gazi Yıldırım

Received Date: 14.11.2012 Accepted Date: 19.11.2012 J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2012;13(4):267-269 PMID: 24592054

Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal disorders with mental retardation and some spesific physical and physiological defects. Recently, many advances have been made in pre-natal screening and detection; and the hope is that identification of more genes will lead to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathologies, and hence to more effective therapy. This paper provides an overview on the discovery of Down syndrome through philately.

Keywords: Down syndrome, mental retardation, genetics, history, philately