Case Report

Labial flap vaginoplasty with sacrospinous fixation


  • Chandrashekar Murthy
  • Kiran Ashok
  • Susheel Kumar Kalal

Received Date: 24.11.2009 Accepted Date: 14.03.2010 J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2010;11(4):223-224 PMID: 24591942

We present a case of congenital absence of Vagina which was treated by reconstruction of the vagina using vascular labial flaps. Furthermore, we anchored the neo-vagina to the Sacro-spinous ligament on either side. The aim of the attachment to the sacro-spinous ligament is to provide a durable apical support and to give an immediate, good vaginal length. Various techniques have been described for the construction of Neo-vagina. Except for sigmoid vaginoplasty, most other procedures are associated with a significant risk of post-operative re-stenosis, for which prolonged dilatation is necessary. Attaching to the sacro-spinous ligament gives the vagina good depth and, to some extent, decreases the risk of re-stenosis. This technique is simpler, does not require sophisticated instruments or prolonged post operative dilatation and is particularly suitable for under-developed countries.

Keywords: Vaginoplasty, sacrospinous ligament