Case Report

Kartagener’s Syndrome and Intracytoplasmic Injection of Ejaculated Immotile Spermatozoa Selected By Hypo-Osmotic Swelling Test: Report of Two Cases

  • Gamze Sinem Çaglar
  • Kubilay Vicdan
  • Ahmet Zeki Isik
  • Cem Akarsu
  • Eran Sözen
  • Görkem Tuncay

Received Date: 30.11.2006 Accepted Date: 05.03.2007 J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2007;8(2):211-214

Kartagener’s syndrome is a rare disorder which is defined as situs inversus accompanying defective cilial ultrastructure in ciliated cells and spermatozoa. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is the treatment option for fathering a child in these cases. A few succesful pregnancies and healthy births have been reported in cases with KS treated with intracytoplasmic sperm injection using immotile spermatozoa. Here we present two cases of KSs succesfully treated by intracytoplasmic sperm injection combined with hypo-osmotic swelling test. In both cases normal fertilization rates were achieved by using ejaculated immotile spermatozoa choosen by hypo-osmotic swelling test for the identification of the viable spermatozoa and in the first case, two cycles resulted in a healthy birth. Turkish Kartagener Sendromu ve Intrasitoplasmic Enjeksiyonda Immotil Ejakulat Spermi Seçiminde Hypo-Osmotic Sisme Testi: Iki Olgu Sunumu Kartagener sendromu, siliali hücrelerde ve spermatozoada ultrastrüktürel bozukluga eslik eden situs inversus olarak tanimlanir ve nadir görülen bir durumdur. Çocuk istegi olan hastalarda intrasitoplasmik sperm injeksiyonu ile tedavi mümkündür. Kartagener sendromunda immotil spermatozoanin kullanildigi intrasitoplasmik sperm injeksiyonu vakalarinda gebelik ve canli dogum bildirilmistir. Bu makalede, iki adet Kartagener sendromu olan hastada hypo-osmotik sisme test ile kombine intrasitoplasmik sperm injeksiyonu tedavisi anlatilmistir. Her iki vakada da intrasitoplasmik sperm injeksiyonunda sperm seleksiyonunda ejakulattaki immotil spermatozoalara hypo-osmotik sisme testi uygulanmis ve canli spermatozolar kullanilmistir. Iki hastada da normal fertilizasyon oranlari elde edilmis ve iki siklus sonrasi ilk hasta saglikli bir bebek dünyaya getirmistir.

Keywords: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, Kartagener’s syndrome, Hypo-osmotic swelling test; Asthenozoospermia