
Comparison between children born after natural conception and those born after assisted reproduction technology. A review of the literature and results from our survey

  • Mohamad Eid Hammadeh
  • Kubilay Ertan
  • Peter Rosenbaum
  • Werner Schdmidt

Received Date: 06.11.2006 Accepted Date: 16.02.2007 J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2007;8(1):94-111

Many studies have concluded that IVF/ICSI pregnancies carry an increased risk for multiplicity, perinatal mortality, preterm birth and low birth weight in comparison with pregnancies after spontaneous conception. Others have investigated the incidence of congenital malformations in IVF/ICSI conceptions and reported a possible increase in the incidence of central nervous system defects, chromosomal abnormalities, urogenital abnormalities and limb malformations. Concerns have been raised that Assisted reproduction technology (ART) might increase the malformation rate in offspring, particularly after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). However, other studies have concluded that there is no evidence of an increase in the occurrence of malformations. The aim of this study is to summarize the present knowledge concerning male formation after ART in comparison to the spontaneously conceived children and whether this increased risk could be related to ART procedures or whether it is mainly related to parental characteristics. For this study the literature and results from a survey as well as our data we analyzed. A total of 151 infants were born after ART at our department, among which one case of trisomy (0.66%) and one case of Potter syndrome (0.66%) were observed. In this paper, no increase in the malformation risk of infants born after ART treatment is defended. Turkish Normal ve yardimla üreme teknolojileri sonrasi dogan çocuklarin karsilastirilmasi. Literatür taramasi ve kendi sonuçlarimiz Spontan gebeliklerle karsilastirildiginda, IVF/ICSI gebeliklerinde çogul gebelik, perinatal mortalite, erken dogum ve düsük dogum agirligi riskinin arttigi birçok arastirmanin vardigi ortak sonuçtur. Bazi çalismalarda IVF/ICSI gebeliklerinde konjenital bozukluklar incelenmis ve merkezi sinir sistemi, kromozomal, ürogenital ve ekstremite gelisim anomalilerinde olasi bir artis rapor edilmistir. Yardimla üreme teknolojilerinden (YÜT) özellikle intrasitoplazmik sperm enjeksiyonu (ICSI) sonrasinda, yenidoganda malformasyon oraninin arttigina dair tereddütler bulunmaktadir. Ancak, farkli çalismalar malformasyonlarin artisi ile ilgili kesin kanitlar olmadigi sonucuna varmislardir. Bu çalismanin amaci, YÜT’ten sonra olusabilecek malformasyonlarin spontan gebelikler ile karsilastirilmasi amaciyla güncel bilgileri özetlemek; bu risk artisinin YÜT uygulamalarina mi? yoksa öncelikle ebeveyn özelliklere mi? bagli oldugunu arastirmaktir. Bu çalisma için literatür taramasi yapilmis ve kendi verilerimizle birlikte baska bir arastirmanin sonuçlari analiz edilmistir. Bölümümüzde YÜT sonrasi, içlerinde bir trizomi (% 0.66) ve bir Potter sendromu (% 0.66) vakasi da olmak üzere 151 çocuk dünyaya gelmistir. Bu makalede, YÜT sonucunda dogan çocuklarda malformasyon riskinde artis olmadigi savunulmaktadir.

Keywords: Malformation, IVF/ICSI, Chromosome abnormalities, natural conception